Riekie Nel
Non-Principal Property Practitioner
NS Property Solutions - view less
About Me
Riekie is NS Property Solutions' estate agent in the idyllic Betty's Bay and surrounding areas, including Hermanus and Pringle Bay. She is known for her eye for spotting hidden treasures in these majestic coastal areas and is the ideal tour guide for showing you the best properties these neighbourhoods have to offer. Leave it to Riekie to find you that once-in-a-lifetime dream home or the perfect spot to retire and enjoy some of the most beautiful views in the coastal areas of South Africa.
My Listings
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"Baie dankie dat ons saam met jou kon werk. Ek is baie bly ons het jou gevind."
Anonymous Buyer
"Vreeslik dankie vir jou uiters hulpvaardige diens. Ons het opgelet dat jy baie bedagsaam is teenoor die verkopers. Ons as voornemende kopers was baie beindruk met hoe presies jy afsprake reel en nakom. Jy het heeltyd ons behoeftes in gedagte gehou. Nadat ons op die huis besluit het, het jy die onderhandelings baie empaties met albei partye deurgevoer."  
Koos en Jo van Straaten
"Our team wouldn't be complete without Riekie's passionate approach to property. Thank you for your commitment to our clients and insistence on going the extra mile for every customer, Riekie."
Mark de Lange
Team member
"Your efficiency, knowledge and balanced approach helped to put us at ease during the successful sale process. I would, without hesitation, recommend you to any prospective seller."
Julian and Enid Rodkin
"Dit was net 'n absolute plesier om saam met Riekie Nel te werk. Ek het 'n hele paar maal in my lewe al eiendom gekoop en verkoop en ek kan baie gou agterkom as iemand net die eiendom wil verkoop. Riekie gee om vir haar kliënte en ek het haar 100% vertrou. Ek sal haar altyd met die grootste vertroue aanbeveel"
J Van der Merwe
"Ek sal Riekie Nel definitief aanbeveel as agent. Sy het 'n eiendom wat jare lank in die mark was met nuwe oë bekyk... Dit het tot 'n suksesvolle aanbod en verkooptransaksie gelei. Ons is dankbaar vir Riekie se deeglikheid en professionele optrede dwarsdeur al die onderhandelinge en gesprekke."
Chrissi Smith